Simplified for Modern IT

A Machine Learning First Approach to AIOps

Learn How Grok Makes AIOps Simple for Modern IT

The Industry's Most Comprehensive AIOps Solution

Over the last few decades, organizations have invested heavily in efforts to improve the reliability and efficiency of their IT infrastructure. Many of these efforts resulted in large expenditures on tools and software. However, even with these solutions, many companies still continue to struggle with excessive noise, lengthy troubleshooting times and increasing OPEX costs as their IT environment continues to change and their business evolves.

Grok has an innovative approach to solving this problem. Grok is changing how companies leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to better manage their IT infrastructure and deliver service assurance. Grok provides a powerful artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning platform to address critical time-consuming operational tasks such as noise reduction, correlation, root cause analysis and incident prediction.


Finally a Solution to the Same Ol’ Same Ol’ Problem

Grok’s approach is different from first generation AIOps solutions. We believe in real-time processing of data and not learning from historical data. We believe in unsupervised learning and building sophisticated machine learning models without sophisticated configuration and programming. We utilize minimal data sets to quickly form observations early but also to continuously learn, recognize patterns and become more intelligent over time. In addition, Grok is the only AIOps solution to also eliminate and reduce the time and effort spent on manual administrative tasks – no more static rules, cookbooks, or toolkits or CMDBs that you will need to rely on to reap the benefits of AIOps. The platform was built from the ground up to utilize AI and machine learning to learn, provide insight and ease the burden of manual effort for the whole organization.

Grok Stream

AIOps Made Easy

Grok was built for IT, Network and Infrastructure teams, not for machine learning data scientists. Grok takes the complexity out of AI and machine learning, allowing organizations to quickly harness the benefits with its plug and play approach. Our solution begins modeling your infrastructure in real-time with minimal configuration. These models quickly recognize and build patterns, relationships and signatures at machine speed and provide better correlations, observations, and insight to begin delivering operational value in days, not months. Grok does not rely on pre-canned models or cookbooks, nor will our team ask you to build algorithms from a toolkit. Over time, Grok’s models continue to learn and dynamically update, becoming “smarter” even as the environment continues to change. 

Making a Difference with Grok AIOps

Grok blends AI and machine learning throughout all operational and administrative aspects of the platform. This strategy maximizes business benefit and minimizes the cost and resource burden to the organization. Grok AIOps empowers your teams to work smarter, innovate and move with agility.

Grok Stream
Business and Your Customers
Streams That are Relevant for your Business
While Maintaining your SLAs

Delivering Business Impact

Grok Stream
Grok Stream
Grok Stream
Grok Stream

What The Industry Is Saying About GROK

Grok Stream

Built on Numenta's HTM technology, Grok is one of the most impressive ai products available.


Grok Stream

The solution is easy to adopt and integrates well into current environments, bringing a machine learning intelligence layer without organizations having to change their tooling. The self-learning algorithms in the unsupervised layers bring immediate results.


Grok Stream

Grok named one of Gartner's "Cool Vendors".

Gartner Cool Vendor

Grok Stream

Named "Tech Start-up of the year".


AIOps Re-Invented for Modern Environments

Grok has re-imagined what AI and machine learning can accomplish for modern IT organizations. “Doing more with less” is paramount, but being able to support and deploy a solution within complex infrastructures with hybrid legacy and modern day cloud- and container-based architectures is critical. Grok AIOps was built with this in mind.  Grok supports both on-premise and cloud-native tools and is scalable to the most complex environments.

Intelligent Integration

Analyze events from any source and intelligently construct event stream to process only what is relevant

Correlation &
Probable Root Cause

Automatically correlate, group, contextualize and identify common underlying issues and probable root cause

Anomaly Detection

Proactively analyze real-time performance data stream to find & identify anomalous infrastructure behavior and take action


Noise Reduction

Correlate and cluster events to reduce noise with real-time machine learning model and focus on issues that matter

Early Detection &
Incident Prediction

Proactively analyze real-time event stream to identify leading indicators of incidents and take action before an outage occurs

Automated Workflow & Enrichment

Automatically enrich and assign action and workflow without the use of static rules

Intelligent Operations to Deliver Improved Service Levels and Agility

Grok Stream

For Enterprise IT Operations

Reduce noise and identify probable root cause. This enables your teams to focus and quickly take action, while minimizing disruptions and keeping services up and running. Early incident detection and anomaly detection allows you to address issues before they affect your business and your customers.

Grok Stream

For Service Provider Network Operations

Quickly navigate through the “sea of red” and separate the signal from noise to improve MTTI and MTTR without having to maintain rules. Scale to the highest event rates and integrate with your most trusted custom and off-the-shelf tools. Manage, shape and isolate event streams that are relevant for your business.

Grok Stream

For Managed Service Providers

Efficiently and effectively manage hundreds or thousands of different customers with plug and play machine learning models automatically tailored for each customer. Quickly reduce noise and correlate to probable root cause for rapid diagnostics and MTTR to keep customers up and running while maintaining your SLAs.